[심장내과] 정지현 과장

판막질환, 경피적판막시술(경피적 승모판 성형술, TEER), 심장초음파, 심부전, 심근질환, 심장유전자 질환, 폐동맥 고혈압
진료 일정
구분 | 오전 | 오후 | 토요일 | 야간진료 |
외래 | 수,목,금 | 월,화 | ||
클리닉 |
- ※학회 등의 이유로 실제 진료스케줄과 차이가 있을 수 있습니다. 당일 진료접수를 원하시는 경우, 의료진 휴진일정을 꼭 확인하시기 바랍니다. [▶의료진 휴진안내(클릭)]
2004 을지의과대학교 의학과
2014 서울대학교 대학원 (의학석사)
2017 서울대학교 대학원 (의학박사) 과정 중
2014 서울대학교 대학원 (의학석사)
2017 서울대학교 대학원 (의학박사) 과정 중
2010 ~ 2011 서울대병원 수련의
2011 ~2015 서울대병원 내과 전공의
2015 ~ 2017 서울대병원 심장내과 전임의
2017 ~ 현, 부천세종병원 심장내과 진료과장
2011 ~2015 서울대병원 내과 전공의
2015 ~ 2017 서울대병원 심장내과 전임의
2017 ~ 현, 부천세종병원 심장내과 진료과장
주요 논문
1. Lee JM, Jung JH, Hwang D, Park J, Fan Y, Na SH, Doh JH, Nam CW, Shin ES, Koo BK. Coronary Flow Reserve and Microcirculatory Resistance in Patients With Intermediate Coronary Stenosis. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016 Mar 15;67(10):1158-69.
2. Lee JM, Jung JH, Park KW, Shin ES, Oh SK, Bae JW, Rhew JY, Lee N, Kim DB, Kim U, Han JK, Lee SE, Yang HM, Kang HJ, Koo BK, Kim S, Cho YK, Shin WY, Lim YH, Rha SW, Kim SY, Lee SY, Kim YD, Chae IH, Cha KS, Kim HS. Harmonizing Optimal Strategy for Treatment of coronary artery diseases - comparison of REDUCtion of prasugrEl dose or POLYmer TECHnology in ACS patients (HOST-REDUCE-POLYTECH-ACS RCT): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2015 Sep 15;16:409.
3. Ji-Hyun Jung, Hack-Lyoung Kim, Hyue Mee Kim, Hak Seung Lee, Chee Hae Kim, Hong-Mi Choi, Joo-Hee Zo. A Case of Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis with Pseudoaneurysm Formation Caused by Haemophilus parainfluenzae. The Korean Journal of Medicine 2014;87(5): 589-592.
4. Lee JM, Layland J, Jung JH, Lee HJ, Echavarria-Pinto M, Watkins S, Yong AS, Doh JH, Nam CW, Shin ES, Koo BK, Ng MK, Escaned J, Fearon WF, Oldroyd KG. Integrated physiologic assessment of ischemic heart disease in real-world practice using index of microcirculatory resistance and fractional flow reserve: insights from the International Index of Microcirculatory Resistance Registry. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2015 Nov;8(11).
5. Park JB, Kim HK, Jung JH, Klem I, Yoon YE, Lee SP, Park EA, Hwang HY, Lee W, Kim KH, Kim YJ, Cho GY, Kim KB, Sohn DW, Ahn H. Prognostic Value of Cardiac MR Imaging for Preoperative Assessment of Patients with Severe Functional Tricuspid Regurgitation. Radiology. 2016 Sep;280(3):723-34.
6. Park JB, Choi G, Chun EJ, Kim HJ, Park J, Jung JH, Lee MH, Otake H, Doh JH, Nam CW, Shin ES, De Bruyne B, Taylor CA, Koo BK. Computational fluid dynamic measures of wall shear stress are related to coronary lesion characteristics. Heart. 2016 Oct 15;102(20):1655-61.
2. Lee JM, Jung JH, Park KW, Shin ES, Oh SK, Bae JW, Rhew JY, Lee N, Kim DB, Kim U, Han JK, Lee SE, Yang HM, Kang HJ, Koo BK, Kim S, Cho YK, Shin WY, Lim YH, Rha SW, Kim SY, Lee SY, Kim YD, Chae IH, Cha KS, Kim HS. Harmonizing Optimal Strategy for Treatment of coronary artery diseases - comparison of REDUCtion of prasugrEl dose or POLYmer TECHnology in ACS patients (HOST-REDUCE-POLYTECH-ACS RCT): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2015 Sep 15;16:409.
3. Ji-Hyun Jung, Hack-Lyoung Kim, Hyue Mee Kim, Hak Seung Lee, Chee Hae Kim, Hong-Mi Choi, Joo-Hee Zo. A Case of Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis with Pseudoaneurysm Formation Caused by Haemophilus parainfluenzae. The Korean Journal of Medicine 2014;87(5): 589-592.
4. Lee JM, Layland J, Jung JH, Lee HJ, Echavarria-Pinto M, Watkins S, Yong AS, Doh JH, Nam CW, Shin ES, Koo BK, Ng MK, Escaned J, Fearon WF, Oldroyd KG. Integrated physiologic assessment of ischemic heart disease in real-world practice using index of microcirculatory resistance and fractional flow reserve: insights from the International Index of Microcirculatory Resistance Registry. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2015 Nov;8(11).
5. Park JB, Kim HK, Jung JH, Klem I, Yoon YE, Lee SP, Park EA, Hwang HY, Lee W, Kim KH, Kim YJ, Cho GY, Kim KB, Sohn DW, Ahn H. Prognostic Value of Cardiac MR Imaging for Preoperative Assessment of Patients with Severe Functional Tricuspid Regurgitation. Radiology. 2016 Sep;280(3):723-34.
6. Park JB, Choi G, Chun EJ, Kim HJ, Park J, Jung JH, Lee MH, Otake H, Doh JH, Nam CW, Shin ES, De Bruyne B, Taylor CA, Koo BK. Computational fluid dynamic measures of wall shear stress are related to coronary lesion characteristics. Heart. 2016 Oct 15;102(20):1655-61.