[외과] 강지희 과장
혈액투석, 동정맥루, 중심정맥관, 복부대동맥류, 복강내동맥류, 슬동맥류, 복부대동,맥 폐색증, 경동맥협착, 하지동맥폐색증(발가락괴사), 후복막종양, 경동맥소체종양(부신경절종), 정맥질환(하지정맥류, 혈전증), 말초동맥질환
진료 일정
구분 | 오전 | 오후 | 토요일 | 야간진료 |
외래 | 월,수,목 | 화,금 | 2,4주 오전 | |
클리닉 |
- ※학회 등의 이유로 실제 진료스케줄과 차이가 있을 수 있습니다. 당일 진료접수를 원하시는 경우, 의료진 휴진일정을 꼭 확인하시기 바랍니다. [▶의료진 휴진안내(클릭)]
전북대학교 의학전문대학원
성균관대학교 의과대학 박사 수료
성균관대학교 의과대학 박사 수료
대한혈관외과학회 정회원
대한외과학회 정회원
대한외과학회 정회원
전, 삼성서울병원 수련의
전, 삼성서울병원 외과 전공의
전, 삼성서울병원 혈관외과 전임의
전, Society for Vascular Surgery 2023 International Visiting Scholar
(Case Western University, Cleveland OH, U.S.A.)
전, 인하대병원 혈관외과 조교수
현, 부천세종병원 외과 진료과장
전, 삼성서울병원 외과 전공의
전, 삼성서울병원 혈관외과 전임의
전, Society for Vascular Surgery 2023 International Visiting Scholar
(Case Western University, Cleveland OH, U.S.A.)
전, 인하대병원 혈관외과 조교수
현, 부천세종병원 외과 진료과장
주요 논문
1.Kang JH, Kim YW, Heo SH, et al. Treatment strategy based on the natural course of the disease for patients with spontaneous isolated abdominal aortic dissection. J Vasc Surg. 2017;66:1668-1678 e1663.
2. Kang JH, Kim DI, Chung BH, Heo SH, Park YJ. A Case Report of the Intravascular
Fasciitis of a Neck Vein Mimicking Intravascular Tumorous Conditions. Ann Vasc Dis.
3. Lim JH, Chung BH, Kang JH, et al. Surgical Strategy to Reduce the Recurrence of
May 2024 Adventitial Cystic Disease after Treatment. Vasc Specialist Int. 2019;35:217-224.
4. Kang J, Heo SH, Park YJ, Kim DI, Kim YW. Differential Diagnosis and Treatment
Outcomes of Tumors at the Carotid Bifurcation. Vasc Specialist Int. 2020;36:128-135.
5. Chung BH, Kang JH, Heo SH, et al. The Effect of Left Renal Vein Division on Renal
Function Following Open Abdominal Aortic Surgery Using Propensity Score
Matching Analysis. Ann Vasc Surg. 2020;62:232-237.
6. Kang J, Park YJ. Erysipelas after Femoro-Tibial Bypass Surgery. Vasc Specialist Int.
7. Kang J, Chung BH, Hyun DH, Park YJ, Kim DI. Clinical outcomes after internal iliac
artery embolization prior to endovascular aortic aneurysm repair. Int Angiol.
8. Kang J, An JH, Jeon HJ, Park YJ. Association between ankle brachial index and
development of postoperative intensive care unit delirium in patients with
peripheral arterial disease. Sci Rep. 2021;11:12744.
9. Park JK, Kang J, Kim YW, et al. Outcomes after Elective Open Abdominal Aortic
Aneurysm Repair in Octogenarians Compared to Younger Patients in Korea. Journal
of Korean Medical Science. 2021;36..
10. Kang J, Kim YW, Kim DI, Woo SY, Park YJ. Outcomes of Carotid Revascularization
versus Optimal Medical Treatment Alone for Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis:
Inverse-Probability-of-Treatment Weighting Using Propensity Scores. World
Neurosurg. 2021;146:e419-e430.
11. Kang J, Kim YW, Kim DK, Woo SY, Kim DI, Park YJ. Culture-Negative Mycotic Aortic Aneurysms Probably Have a Less Severe Clinical Nature Than Culture-Positive
Counterparts. Annals of Vascular Surgery. 2021;75:150-161.
12. Kang J, Kim YW, Kim DK, Woo SY, Park YJ. Comparable surgical outcomes of
abdominal aortic aneurysm repair in patients with and without Marfan syndrome.
May 2024 Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2021;74:1163-1171.
13. Kang J, Woo SY, Yang SS, et al. Treatment results of carotid endarterectomy and
carotid artery stenting for patients with radiation-induced carotid stenosis. Annals
of Surgical Treatment and Research. 2022;103:112-118.
14. Kang J. Unusual arm vein thrombosis after the Moderna (mRNA-1273) COVID-19 vaccination,a case report. Ann Palliat Med. 2022.
15. Kang J, Choi KW, Han A, Min S, Heo SH, Yang SS, et al. Venous Reconstruction in Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcoma Is Not Essential. Vasc Endovascular Surg 2023;57:365-72.
16. Kang J, Kim S, Yang SS, Kim YW, Do YS, Park KB, et al. Clinical Characteristics and Management of Peripancreatic Arterial Aneurysms: A 20-year Experience. Angiology .Dec 2023 online published
2. Kang JH, Kim DI, Chung BH, Heo SH, Park YJ. A Case Report of the Intravascular
Fasciitis of a Neck Vein Mimicking Intravascular Tumorous Conditions. Ann Vasc Dis.
3. Lim JH, Chung BH, Kang JH, et al. Surgical Strategy to Reduce the Recurrence of
May 2024 Adventitial Cystic Disease after Treatment. Vasc Specialist Int. 2019;35:217-224.
4. Kang J, Heo SH, Park YJ, Kim DI, Kim YW. Differential Diagnosis and Treatment
Outcomes of Tumors at the Carotid Bifurcation. Vasc Specialist Int. 2020;36:128-135.
5. Chung BH, Kang JH, Heo SH, et al. The Effect of Left Renal Vein Division on Renal
Function Following Open Abdominal Aortic Surgery Using Propensity Score
Matching Analysis. Ann Vasc Surg. 2020;62:232-237.
6. Kang J, Park YJ. Erysipelas after Femoro-Tibial Bypass Surgery. Vasc Specialist Int.
7. Kang J, Chung BH, Hyun DH, Park YJ, Kim DI. Clinical outcomes after internal iliac
artery embolization prior to endovascular aortic aneurysm repair. Int Angiol.
8. Kang J, An JH, Jeon HJ, Park YJ. Association between ankle brachial index and
development of postoperative intensive care unit delirium in patients with
peripheral arterial disease. Sci Rep. 2021;11:12744.
9. Park JK, Kang J, Kim YW, et al. Outcomes after Elective Open Abdominal Aortic
Aneurysm Repair in Octogenarians Compared to Younger Patients in Korea. Journal
of Korean Medical Science. 2021;36..
10. Kang J, Kim YW, Kim DI, Woo SY, Park YJ. Outcomes of Carotid Revascularization
versus Optimal Medical Treatment Alone for Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis:
Inverse-Probability-of-Treatment Weighting Using Propensity Scores. World
Neurosurg. 2021;146:e419-e430.
11. Kang J, Kim YW, Kim DK, Woo SY, Kim DI, Park YJ. Culture-Negative Mycotic Aortic Aneurysms Probably Have a Less Severe Clinical Nature Than Culture-Positive
Counterparts. Annals of Vascular Surgery. 2021;75:150-161.
12. Kang J, Kim YW, Kim DK, Woo SY, Park YJ. Comparable surgical outcomes of
abdominal aortic aneurysm repair in patients with and without Marfan syndrome.
May 2024 Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2021;74:1163-1171.
13. Kang J, Woo SY, Yang SS, et al. Treatment results of carotid endarterectomy and
carotid artery stenting for patients with radiation-induced carotid stenosis. Annals
of Surgical Treatment and Research. 2022;103:112-118.
14. Kang J. Unusual arm vein thrombosis after the Moderna (mRNA-1273) COVID-19 vaccination,a case report. Ann Palliat Med. 2022.
15. Kang J, Choi KW, Han A, Min S, Heo SH, Yang SS, et al. Venous Reconstruction in Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcoma Is Not Essential. Vasc Endovascular Surg 2023;57:365-72.
16. Kang J, Kim S, Yang SS, Kim YW, Do YS, Park KB, et al. Clinical Characteristics and Management of Peripancreatic Arterial Aneurysms: A 20-year Experience. Angiology .Dec 2023 online published